This blog describes in words and pictures the building of a Paul Gartside designed fantail launch. There are a number of fantail launches of various sizes on the Paul Gartside website at

My boat will look like his 20 foot steam launch but will be 18 feet long and will be powered by a small diesel or petrol engine or possibly an electric motor. I have built a rowing boat, one and a half sailing boats and a small canoe and so this will be something different.

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Wednesday, 6 April 2016


Not the shingles you put on the roof but the disease. Here's the short story, may not be medically accurate but it's close enough for a boat builder! In earlier days you had chicken pox. The virus that caused it is still in your body. Later on it breaks out (reasons uncertain, but stress or being run down are high on the list) and causes shingles. Shingles causes a rash and a certain amount of pain and suffering. If you get to your GP quickly enough (within 48 hours) there is a drug which helps your immune system to get the virus under control. If you are one of the lucky ones the problem will resolve itself in 2 or 3 weeks. If you are unlucky it might be months or years. I'm now at the 2 month mark and still have a lot of pain from the nerves that were affected by the virus. I am now going to try to continue business as usual, as much as the pain will allow. Boat building will resume and blog posts will continue but progress may be slower than I would like!

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