This blog describes in words and pictures the building of a Paul Gartside designed fantail launch. There are a number of fantail launches of various sizes on the Paul Gartside website at

My boat will look like his 20 foot steam launch but will be 18 feet long and will be powered by a small diesel or petrol engine or possibly an electric motor. I have built a rowing boat, one and a half sailing boats and a small canoe and so this will be something different.

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Monday, 17 October 2016

No More Sanding!

I will probably have to eat the words in the title of this post! All the fillets are in the corners inside the hull. All the fillets have been sanded (actually the surfaces next the fillets have been cleaned up) and the inside of the hull has 2 coats of epoxy.

Next will be primer and undercoat so that at long last the inside of the hull will be a uniform colour. There might even be some finish coats in front of the forward bulkhead while it is still relatively easy to get at.

I have been doing a lot of sorting out of stuff that is simply taking up space, stuff that has been kept because "it might come in useful one day". Two large steel cabinets have moved out of my boat workshop leaving me more useful space. Moving them also gave me access to a corner that hasn't seen the light of day for more than 5 years. Look what I found.

Behind one of the cabinets there was a rat's nest with a long dead resident. At least he/she wasn't preparing to leave the sinking ship before it is even launched!

I had forgotten about this - it has been a long time hiding in the corner. About 10 years ago I was going to build a model steam launch (before I started building large boats and before I moved to Brisbane) and Paul Gartside kindly provided a lines drawing of one of his steam launches. I digitised the lines and then used my small CNC milling machine to make this plug. It's 1 metre long and bears an uncanny resemblance to the bigger version of the Paul Gartside launch that is the subject of this blog. Maybe I will finish the job, cold moulded with some veneer over this plug! Perhaps I should finish the big one first!

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